

Batman Dark Night

Title: The Dark Knight
Quality: DVDRIP
Year: 2008

Directed by: Christopher Nolan
Genre: Action | Adventure | Crime | Drama | Fantasy
152 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Subs: dan,dut,eng,pob,rum,spa
Awards: 2 wins & 3 nominations
Starring: Christian Bale,Heath Ledger,Aaron Eckhart,Michael Caine,Maggie Gyllenhaal,Gary Oldman,Morgan Freeman....

While Warner Bros. might be unsure what to do regarding the marketing campaign of Batman: The Dark Knight because of Heath Ledger’s passing, there is a new poster of Christian Bale out. (I saw Batman Begins again last night, and Bale is definitely my favorite Batman of all time, but my least favorite Bruce Wayne.) Check out the great fan trailer for Dark Knight, using Lego.

Reports are that director Terry Gilliam, who was close to Ledger, is working to salvage Ledger’s last film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.



Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special

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[Review] Prison Break SE04EP13

Episode 13 of Season 4 of prison breack:

All the world awaits the arrival of the 13th episode of season 4. The next episode will soon be full of emotion as shown in the video trailer.
I will not spoil the pleasure you follow this season, then you wait as its output on Monday.

Some comments:

i cant wait to see what will happen .This is exciting but iam scared something bad is going to happen to lincoln and mike and the rest l love this show

wtf. why would don self do this when he was offered money and stuff from the company.. prison break script writers suck now
as much as i want to see the very end of prison break,,but that would also mean the end of probably the best tv program since 2005 so much better if they keep makin up storys as long as if they interesting and good twists like in ep 12 which was probably the best must watch episode in s4 coz its almost like a dead end with all the effort they put.i knew sila was gonna be stolen but i expected some1 else not self

i always had a bad feeling about self argh it gets annoying micheal gets arrested breaks out and gets arrested again again and again and if he gets arrested AGAIN i will get annoyed argh why does it only air like once a week!?!? i love prison break oh yeah and does anyone know if the girl dies and does any one know what happend to bagwell??does he get killed or what i doubt it anyway .. and i think gretchen is partners wid donself.. she prolly is!?


Prison break (the South African version)

Prison break (the South African version)

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Prison Break SE04EP12

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Prison Break Season 4 Episode 8

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