
Batman Dark Night

Title: The Dark Knight
Quality: DVDRIP
Year: 2008

Directed by: Christopher Nolan
Genre: Action | Adventure | Crime | Drama | Fantasy
152 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Subs: dan,dut,eng,pob,rum,spa
Awards: 2 wins & 3 nominations
Starring: Christian Bale,Heath Ledger,Aaron Eckhart,Michael Caine,Maggie Gyllenhaal,Gary Oldman,Morgan Freeman....

While Warner Bros. might be unsure what to do regarding the marketing campaign of Batman: The Dark Knight because of Heath Ledger’s passing, there is a new poster of Christian Bale out. (I saw Batman Begins again last night, and Bale is definitely my favorite Batman of all time, but my least favorite Bruce Wayne.) Check out the great fan trailer for Dark Knight, using Lego.

Reports are that director Terry Gilliam, who was close to Ledger, is working to salvage Ledger’s last film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.
